DRM328H1 F Playwriting II

A continuation of DRM228H1, concentrating on the in-depth knowledge and practice of playwriting with an emphasis on style and technique of writing for the stage. Students develop their own work through written assignments, in-class exercises, and the final public presentation.


  • A minimum of 70% in the following:
  • DRM101Y1
  • DRM228H1 
  • Apply Online with a portfolio

Application Deadline:

Apply by March 10, 2025 (upload portfolio by April 10, 2025)

2025/26 Portfolio Guidelines

1. DRM328H1 F Applicants are required to submit two writing samples and a rationale to be assessed by the instructor. These samples must consist of:

  • Excerpts and/or selections of writing for theatre or performance (3 to 5 pages), demonstrating a range of voice, style, and/or structure.
  • A sample of poetry, prose fiction or non-fiction (max 3 pages) can be substituted for the second sample of theatre or performance writing if this better expresses the students' writing interests.

2. Students must also include a rationale (max 2 pages) that:

  • Briefly contextualizes the writing samples
  • Describes student's theatre and/or writing experience
  • Explains student's area of interest/research in terms of writing for theatre and performance - i.e., the kinds of ideas, models, situations, etc. they wish to explore.
  • Outlines (briefly) an idea the student hopes to develop over the length of the course.

Please Note:

  • Your portfolio should be uploaded as one Word or PDF attachment with the above 2 writing samples and rationale saved as ‘yourname_328submission’.
  • At the top of your writing sample please state your name, student number, your e-mail and phone number
  • Priority is given to students Majoring or Specializing in Drama.
  • *Students from UTM who have completed ENG362H5F, UTSC playwrights and Drama Minors who met the prerequisites above can apply to the second round in August.