Community Assistance Participation (CAP)

CAP provides students with opportunities to participate in the operation and activities of the University of Toronto's Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies. This participation is part of the curriculum and allows the CDTPS and its students to organize a wide range of events and activities to complement the basic curriculum as well as to support curricular activities, events, and performances.

CAP activities also expose students to skills and services that expand their experience within theatre processes and methods and build a strong sense of community. Typical CAP activities include helping with our productions, assisting in their publicity of CDTPS productions and activities, and improving and maintaining the Centre’s facilities and equipment.

UPDATE FOR 2023-24

For 2023-24, non-completion of CAP (Community Assistance Participation) activities will result in a 2% deduction from your final grade.

For S Term DRM228H, DRM302H and DRM428H:

Please note that for the 2022-23 school year, this course requires the completion of 2 CAP activities, non-completion of which will result in a 2% deduction from your final grade. CAP task calls will be announced throughout the semester. 

For DRM200Y and DRM300Y:

Please note that for the 2022-23 school year, this course requires the completion of 4 CAP (Community Assistance Participation) activities, non-completion of which will result in a 2% deduction from your final grade. CAP task calls will be announced throughout the semester. 

Please Note:

  • Some CAP may be completed remotely in 2023-24, but most will be in person.
  • 2% CAP deductions are not tied to DRM254H, DRM368H, DRM403Y, DRM413H, DRM375H, DRM402H, DRM354H or DRM355H1

Previous Years CAP Call Example

Date Category Time Length of CAP call Location Supervisor Description & Tasks Number of CAP calls available
Friday, Dec. 6, 2022 Event support 6 -8pm  2 hours

Front & Long Rooms

Tara Maher Set up for the Directors' Showcase Opening Night Reception 2 students per shift

Who needs to do CAP?

Students enrolled in the following practical courses*:
Full Year Studio Courses - 4 CAP Activities  (2 per term) in 2023-24
DRM 200Y
DRM 300Y

Half-Year Studio Courses - 2 CAP Activities per term in 2023-24
DRM 202H1 F
DRM 328H1 F
DRM 400H1 F
DRM 228H1 S
DRM 302H1 S
DRM 428H1 S

Frequently Asked Questions

CAP is no longer recorded in hours. It is counted by activities. 2 per term.

2 CAP must be completed per term. Failure to do so will mean a loss of up to 2% off the overall end-of-year mark. Not showing up or finding a replacement for a missed CAP Call will result in a 1% deduction from your studio course.

  • SUDS Team = 2 activities 

  • Student Rep in Studio courses = 1 activity per meeting attended

  • DRM200Y Audition Greet & Vocal Warm-up = 1 - 2 activities 

  • Rehearsals for a Directors Show (DRM402H) = 2 activities 

  • Perform/Crew in a Directors Show (DRM402H) = 2 activities 

  • Fall Campus Day Ambassador = 2 activities 

  • Rehearsing & reading for the DRM228H/DRM328H/DRM428H Playwriting Showcases (end of term) = 1 activity per reading 

  • Performance/Town Hall seating set up & tear down = 1 activities 

  • Designing show poster & online promotion for class presentations = 2 activities 

  • Front of House  for DRM402H/DRM403Y Shows = 3 - 2 activities 

  • Postering for events (DRM402H/DRM403Y Shows) = 2 activities 

  • Reception helper = 2 activities 

  • Sweep & mop the Perf, Playhouse & LCR ongoing through term = 1 activities for signing up 2 times

The Student Administrator, Mashreka Mahmood, will send out regular emails to students needing CAP and post these opportunities for you to sign up on the CAP Call Student Form. Mashreka will also be available for office hours on Thursday and Fridays 2pm -3pm or by appointment over Zoom. Email to set an appointment.  

If you are unable to attend a CAP call, please find a replacement and put them in touch with both the Student Administrator and your supervisor informing them of the student taking your place. You will not receive CAP for missed CAP calls.

Please note: you may complete all the required CAP but if you cancel with less than 24 hours notice or are a no-show, you will receive a 1% deduction regardless of completing the rest at a later date.

An email will be sent out in November and March to remind students how many activities they’ve completed, and how many they have to fill. If you have an urgent inquiry, please email the Student Administrator.

Yes. Before your CAP call, you may receive an email reminder, but it is ultimately your responsibility to remember what you have signed up for and who your supervisor is. If you do not know where and when to meet for your call, you should contact the supervisor ahead of time for that information. Let the supervisor for the call know that you’ve arrived, and await further instruction.

Once you have finished the call make sure the supervisor completes your CAP Call Form. Within two weeks, your CAP record should be updated.

The Student Administrator will follow up with the CAP supervisor to confirm you have completed the Call.

Any CDTPS Faculty, TAs, Staff and the Student Administrator. 

Creating CAP Calls (Faculty & Staff only)

To create a CAP call, please fill out the following CAP Call Request Form at least one week in advance of the date you require CAP assistance.  

Instructors are allowed to have a student voluteering for CAP without going through the Student Administrator. However, the instructor must email Mashreka directly after the CAP has been completed with the student's name, activity done and number of hours it took them (1 - 4 max).

If this is an urgent or last minute call, please put out the call yourself and copy the Student Administrator so we can spread the word  right away.

See Examples of CAP calls above that faculty, TAs, and staff can request and supervise.

Student Administrator:
Mashreka Mahmood
Office Hours: Wednesday 3pm - 4pm and Fridays 2pm -3pm or by Appointment  (S term)