Drama Specialist, Major, and Minor programs are designed to be flexible, so that students can select courses from a range of disciplines that inform the study and practice of theatre. In all drama courses, class size is limited to ensure individual instruction.
2024-2025 Courses
Faculty of Arts & Science Calendar: Full course descriptions, along with detailed requirements regarding required course-work for each program.
Timetable Builder: Schedule – including undergraduate course times, locations, and instructors – enrolment controls, and spots available. Search "DRM" in the department field then search for courses.
Faculty of Arts & Science Dates & Deadlines: Academic dates include enrolment dates, drop deadlines, exam periods, petition deadlines and more.
Courses are divided into five groups:
1st year: DRM101Y1 – Introduction to Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
2nd year: DRM220Y1 – Comparative Theatre Histories
Summer 2024
DRM387H1 F - Special Topics: Asian Drama, Theatre, and Performance
DRM386H1 S - Special Topics: Writing About Performance
DRM331H1 F Dramaturgy
DRM342H1 F Contemporary Avant Garde
DRM385H1 S Special Topics: South Asian Theatre
DRM387H1 S Special Topics: Anarcheology and A/I
DRM388H1 F Special Topics: Dancing Black in Canada
DRM424H1 F Projects in Digital Performance
DRM431H1 S Advanced Dramaturgy
DRM480Y1 Y Internships: Performance and Cultural Arts Organizations
DRM487H1 S Puppets & Puppeteers
DRM488H1 F Theatre and Performance in Africa
Not offered in 2024/25
DRM303H1 Theories of Acting
DRM320H1 Concepts of Theatre in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries
DRM360H1 Race, Gender and Performance
DRM362H1 Theatre and the World
DRM363H1 Story-ing the Possible: Talking Treaties, Rehearsing (Re) conciliation
DRM366H1 Canadian Theatre
DRM420H1 Arts and Politics: Brecht, Strehler, Wilson, Lepage
DRM462H1 Black Playwrights: Resistance, Resilience and Transformation
DRM485Y1 Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies Thesis: Exhibiting Research
Acceptance into Studio Group B courses is based on an audition and/or interview after applying online by March 10th. Many Studio Group B courses require the submission of portfolio materials. Second round applications for DRM200Y1 are due on August 1st. See our four Studio Entry courses for more information.
Students may need to apply each year for acceptance into the next level of studio classes.
Note: Students taking a studio course (Group B) are required to take an academic co-requisite from Foundations or any course from Group A. Students who enroll in more than 2 Studio Topics courses before the Priority period ends will be removed from excess classes via Acorn.
DRM200Y1 Y Performance I | Application Guidelines
DRM202H1 F Directing I
DRM228H1 S Playwriting I
DRM254H1 F Design & Production I
DRM300Y1 Y Performance II | Apply online
DRM301H1 F Voice & Movement I
DRM302H1 S Directing II | Application Guidelines
DRM328H1 S Playwriting II | Application Guidelines
DRM354H1 S Design II | Application Guidelines
DRM355H1 S Production II
DRM375H1 S Topics in Studio Practice | Clown
CAPSTONES Application Guidelines
DRM400H1 F Advanced Performance
DRM402H1 F Advanced Directing | Application Guidelines
DRM403Y1 Y Mainstage Performance | Application Guidelines
DRM413H1 S Advanced Voice & Movement
DRM428H1 S Advanced Playwriting | Application Guidelines
DRM454H1 F Advanced Design
DRM455H1 F Advanced Production
DRM480Y1 Y Internships: Performance and Cultural Arts Organizations
Not offered in 2024/25
DRM224H1 Robots, Automata & Avatars
DRM311H1 Voice & Movement II
DRM368H1 Devised Theatre | Brecht. Learning Play.
CRE276H1 Writing for the Stage and Screen
Be sure to check the 2024-25 Faculty of Arts & Science Calendar or contact the departments prior to enrolment if you are unsure you meet their prerequisites.
Offered in 2024/25:
CAR321H1 S Caribbean Visual Arts, Social Media and Performance (previously NEW321H1)
CDN307H1 S Asian Cultures in Canada
ENG220H1 F & S Introduction to Shakespeare
ENG320Y1 Y Shakespeare
ENG330H1 F Medieval Drama
ENG331H1 S Drama 1485-1603
ENG335H1 S Drama 1603-1642
ENG340H1 S Modern Drama
ENG341H1 F Post-Modern Drama
CLA383H1 S Comedy
INS300Y1 Y Worldviews, Indigenous Knowledges, and Oral Tradition
CRE273H1 S The Body: An Exercise (previously VIC273H1)
CRE470H1 F Soundscapes (previously VIC470H1)
EAS263H1 F Classical Japanese Literature
ENG352H1 F Canadian Drama
FAH405H1 S Understanding Dionysos: The God of Wine, Theatre and the Afterlife
FRE326H1 F Contemporary French Literature (NEW to Group C)
MUS206H1 F The World of Opera
Not offered in 2024-25
CHC367H1 Christianity, Literature, and Theatre (previously SMC367H1)
CLA382H1 Tragedy
ENG373H1 Topics in Pre-1800 British Literature: Obscure Shakespeare (only this sub-topic)
GRK351H1 Greek Comedy I
GRK451H1 Greek Comedy II
LAT351H1 Latin Drama I
LAT451H1 Latin Drama II
LTC304H1 Praxis & Performance (NEW to Group C)
TEP320H1 Representing Science on Stage (different faculty: Applied Science & Engineering)
CDN385H1 Re-Imagining Canada: Creative Visions of Our Past, Present, and Futures (NEW to Group C)
CRE375H1 History of Creativity (NEW to Group C)
DTS412H1 The Diasporic Imagination (NEW to Group C)
EAS375H1 Postwar Japan: Crisis, Apocalypse (NEW to Group C)
ENG337H1 Drama, 1660-1800
FIN320H1 The Finnish Canadian Immigrant Experience (NEW to Group C)
FRE319H1 Laughter and Thought in French Renaissance Literature
GRK352H1 Greek Tragedy I
GRK452H1 Greek Tragedy II
INS302H1 Indigenous Representation in the Mass Media and Society
INS341H1 North American Indigenous Theatre
ITA390H1 The Comedia dell’Arte
ITA410H1 Masterpieces of Modern Drama
LCT304H1 Praxis and Performance (previously VIC304H1)
MUS209H1 Performing Arts of South Asia
MUS215H1 Performing Arts of East Asia
MUS315H1 North American Vernacular Music (NEW to Group C)
MUS340H1 20th Century Music for Theatre
REN347H1 Studies in Renaissance Performance (previously VIC347H1)
SDS478H1 Queer Musics
SLA342H1 Theatricality and Spectacle in the History of Russian Culture: From Jesters to Meyerhold
SLA367H1 Chekhov
SLA405H1 On the Waves of the Avant-garde and Beyond: Czech Literature of the 20th Century
SLA406H1 Transgressions: Drama, Theatre, Performance
SPA384H1 Avant-Garde Movements in Spanish America
SPA387H1 Latin American Performative Expression
UNI102H1 Performing the City I (counts as Other)
UNI106H1 Performing the City II (counts as Other)
UNI197H1 Hamilton: Musical and History (counts as Other)
Third and fourth year Drama Major or Specialist students may apply for an independent study by following the CDTPS Independent Study Policy.
Topics in Drama courses can count towards different Group Requirements depending on the content, which varies from year to year. Please check with Colleen Osborn prior to graduation.
DRM286H1 Special Topics in Drama (not offered in 2024-25)
DRM288H1 Introduction to Communications
DRM299Y1 Research Opportunity Program (not offered in 2024-25)
DRM390Y1 Independent Studies in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
DRM391H1 Independent Studies in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
DRM399Y1 Research Opportunity Program
DRM485H1 Senior Seminar in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies | Senior Seminar: Thesis (not offered in 2025-25)
DRM490Y1 Independent Studies in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
DRM491H1 Independent Studies in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
See all application guidelines for select CDTPS courses.