DRM403Y1 Mainstage Performance

This course, taught each year by a different visiting professional theatre director, offers upper-level theatre and performance studies students the opportunity to explore acting in a full-length production. Plays are selected to challenge students in a variety of diverse ways, exposing them to a full spectrum of theatre and performance genres and possibilities. Applications are required in order to enroll in this course. 

Note: You will be required to attend rehearsals scheduled outside of class time, including during February reading week. 

  • Enrollment: up to 12 students


  • Specialists or Major in Drama
  • Two monologue audition tapes
  • Letter of interest for DRM400H1 co-requisite (see Guidelines)

A minimum 70% in the following:

2025 Application Dates:

  • March 10, 2025: Apply online by selecting DRM403Y1 and DRM400H1

  • April 10, 2025: Upload both audition videos

Monologue Audition Details:

  • Each student is allowed to submit two videos.
  • Each video can be a maximum of two minutes in length of a memorized monologue.
  • Each video should contain text from one work and each should showcase contrasting elements. For example, one is a contemporary Canadian piece, and the other is from the Greeks. One monologue is funny, the other is dramatic, etc. 
  • These should be filmed self-tape style and not be edited.  
  • Please have at least half of your body in the frame (landscape orientation) so that your movements and gestures are seen. Full body is welcome, if possible, in your space. 
  • State your full name at the beginning of each video. Then state the name of the character and the title of the play/monologue for your short monologue. 
  • Title each video: Your surname, first name – Monologue 1 or 2 – character, title of play, playwright. 
    See examples (video below): 
    Chernyak, Elzbieta - Monologue 1 - Hermione, The Winter's Tale, William Shakespeare 
    Chernyak, Elzbieta - Monologue 2 - Bernadette, Lemons x5, Sam Steiner 
  • Both self-tapes must be uploaded to Dropbox by April 10, 2025. 

Useful Links:  

Important Notes:

  • DRM301H1 Voice & Movement I (recommended) or DRM375H1 Topics: Clown (considered alternative) is a required pre-requisite for DRM403Y applicants.
  • By selecting DRM403Y, you are automatically applying to the co-requisite DRM400H1F and DRM413H1S.
  • Students selected into DRM403Y1 must take both DRM400H1F and DRM413H1S as a co-requisiste.
  • Students will be notified of their acceptance by email in late May and those eligible will be enrolled by the Centre in August.

Examples of DRM403 video auditions for August applicants only (submit one version):

Example 1

Example 2