Previously Offered Courses

Previously Offered Special Topics


DRM386H1 S Special Topics: Writing About Performance (Summer 2025)
DRM385H1 S South Asian Theatre
DRM387H1 S Anarcheology and A/I
DRM388H1 F Dancing Black in Canada
DRM487H1 S Puppets & Puppeteers
DRM488H1 F ​​​Theatre and Performance in Africa


DRM388H1 F Dancing Black in Canada
DRM487H1 S Experimentalism in Storytelling
DRM387H1 F Asian Drama, Theatre, and Performance (Summer 2024)
DRM386H1 S Writing About Performance (Summer 2024)


DRM388H1 S Telling the real story: Creating performance using the tools of Verbatim Theatre
DRM387H1 S From the Inside Out, from the Outside In: Devised Puppetry (Summer 2023)


DRM385H1 S Radical Performance Art: Local, Global, and Digital
DRM487H1 / DRA3904H F  Photography of and as Performance
DRM387H1 S Positionality, Witnessing, and Performance (Summer 2022)


DRM386H1 S Performing Science Fiction
DRM388H1 S Performing For Change: Equity, Activism, and Radical Approaches to Performance
DRM487H1 F Puppets and Puppeteers
DRM387H1 S Race, Gender & Performance (Summer 2021)


DRM385H1 F Performing Sport: The Athlete, The Artist
DRM386H1 S Dance and Politics
DRM387H1 F Experimental Music-Theatre
DRM388H1 S Burlesque Theory, History, and Practice
DRM487H1 S Livestreaming with (DDL)2: Artistic and Professional Explorations of a Digital Media Challenge
DRM488H1 F Black Playwrights: Resistance, Resilience and Transformation


DRM385H1 S Contemporary Documentary Theatre
DRM388H1 S Cultural History of Ballet
DRM485H1 F Senior Seminar: Thesis
DRM487H1 S
Theatre, Protest & Performance
DRM488H1 F
Performing Data/Data Performing — Strategies for a Theatre of Informatics
DRM387H1 F Call 45: Re-stor(y)ing Treaty Relationships (Summer 2019) 


DRM385H1 F The Police of Performance/ The Performance of Police
DRM386H1 S Middle Eastern Theatre and Performance
DRM387H1 F Queer Theatre/ Queer Theory
DRM388H1 S Performing Freaks and Monsters
DRM487H1 S Documenting Performance
DRM386H1 S
Reviewing the Toronto Fringe (Summer 2018)


DRM387H1 S Staging Gender: The History and Gender of Performance
DRM487H1 F Senior Seminar: Women in Theatre
DRM488H1 S Modern Drama's Environment


DRM385H1 F Asian Theatre
DRM386H1 F Dreams. Utopia. Intermediality - Performing Technology
DRM388H1 S Theories of Acting
DRM487H1 S Dramaturgy and Indigenous Performance


DRM385H1 F Asian Theatre
DRM388H1 S Theories of Acting
DRM487H1 S Digital Dramaturgy
DRM488H1 F History of Solo Performance


DRM386H1 Performance & Reality

2012 Summer

DRM386H1 F Performance and Research

2011 Summer

DRM386H1 F Performance and Research


DRM386H1 S Intro to Dramaturgy

2007 Summer

DRM386H1 History of Popular Theatre in Europe: 1600-1900


DRM301H1 F – Topics in Studio Practice: Voice & Movement I
DRM375H1 S – Topics in Studio Practice: Clown


DRM301H1 F – Topics in Studio Practice: Voice & Movement I
DRM368H1 F – Devised Theatre | Brecht: Learning Play
DRM375H1 S – Topics in Studio Practice: Clown


DRM368H1 F – Devised Theatre | Animating Bodies
DRM375H1 F – Topics in Studio Practice: Clown
DRM378H1 S – Topics in Studio Practice: Costume: Shaping Character


DRM286H1 S – Topics - Filmmaking Basics for Theatre (Summer 2021)
DRM375H1 F – Topics in Studio Practice: Clown
DRM376H1 S – Topics in Studio Practice: Technology and Performance
DRM378H1 S – Topics in Studio Practice: Costume: Shaping Character


DRM375H1 F – Topics in Studio Practice: Elements of Clown and Play
DRM376H1 S – Topics in Studio Practice: Technology and Performance
DRM377H1 S – Topics in Studio Practice: Performing Text


DRM375H1 F – Topics in Studio Practice:Voice, Character and Dialect
DRM378H1 F – Topics in Studio Practice: Movement & Somatics


DRM375H1 F – Topics in Studio Practice: Clown
DRM376H1 S – Topics in Studio Practice: Performing Digital Media 
DRM377H1 F 
Topics in Studio Practice: Community Engaged Theatre
DRM378H1 S 
Topics in Studio Practice: Uncanny Bodies: Movement Work from International Collectives 


DRM375H1 F – Topics in Studio Practice: Greek Chorus
DRM376H1 S – Topics in Studio Practice: Grotowski Intersections
DRM377H1 F 
Topics in Studio Practice: Performing Text
tDRM378H1 S 
Topics in Studio Practice: Movement, Improvisation, Creation


DRM375H1 – Topics in Studio Practice: Clown
DRM376H1 – Topics in Studio Practice: Music Theatre
DRM377H1 – Topics in Studio Practice: Vocal Presence in Performance
DRM378H1 – Topics in Studio Practice: Shakespeare


DRM486H1 S – Advanced Playwriting

2009 Summer

DRM386H1 – Collective Creations

2008 Summer

DRM386H1 – Collective Creations


Discontinued Courses 



DRM231H1/(DRM386H1 in 20099F) – Theatre Criticism
DRM264H1 – History of Western Theatre from the Renaissance to 1900
DRM310H1 – American Theatre History

DRM201H1 – Voice for the Actor I (Not offered since 2015-16)
DRM211H1 – Movement for the Actor I (Not offered since 2015-16)
DRM254Y1 - Production I (Not offered since 2018-19)

DRM354Y1 - Design  II (Not offered since 2018-19)
DRM400Y1 - Advanced Performance (Not offered since 2018-19)

DRM401H1  - Advanced Voice
DRM411H1 -  Advanced Movement
DRM454Y1 - Advanced Production & Design (Not offered since 2018-19)

EAS233H1  History of Chinas Performing Arts
ENG220Y1  Shakespeare
Drama to 1642

ENG333H1  Marriage and the Family in Drama
ENG334H1  Drama, 1660-1800
Topics in Shakespeare
ENG338Y1  Modern Drama
ENG339H1  Drama in English Since 1960
ENG342H1  Contemporary Drama
ENG448H1  Advanced Studies Seminar: British Literature to the 19th Century
ENG455H1  Advanced Studies: Literature since the 18th Century
FRE310H1  Relations between Text and other Media
FRE372Y0  History of the French Language
GER232H1  German Drama in Translation
GER240H1  German Drama in Translation

GER340H1  German Theater Production
GRK451H1  Drama II
GRK452H1  Tragedy II
HUN450H1  Hungary On-Stage: A History of Hungarian Drama in Social Context
ITA409H1   Masterpieces of Medieval and Renaissance Drama
ITA400H1   Machiavelli
ITA410H1   Masterpieces of Modern Drama
ITA415H1   Drama in Performance
ITA426H1   Actors, Directors and Stage Artists of the Renaissance and Baroque Period
MUS408H1  Wagner
NEW422Y1  Performing and Transforming the Caribbean
NEW321H1  Caribbean Visual Arts, Social Media and Performance
SLA230H1 -
SLA267H1 -
 Masterworks of Drama

SLA418H1  Ukrainian Drama
SLA424H1  Theatre and Drama in Extremis
SLA475H1  Modern Czech Drama
SLA476H1  Twentieth Century Theatre and Performance: Modernism, Avant-Garde, Postmodernism
SLA477H1  Performance: Theory and Practice
SLA496H1 -

SMC367H1 - Christianity, Literature, and Theatre
SPA452H1  Theatre and Representation in Golden Age Spain
UNI202H1  Aspects of Quebec Culture
UNI470H1  Health Psychology: Physical Education & Health
VIC273H1  The Body: An Exercise
VIC304H1  Praxis and Performance
VIC347H1  Studies in Renaissance Performance
VIC470H1  Soundscapes
WGS271Y1  Gender, Race and Class in Contemporary Popular Culture
WGS463H1  Advanced Topics in Gender Theory

DRM432H1 Dramaturgy II
DRM431Y1 Dramaturgy