Graduate Student Professionalization Series: Demystifying the Job Market
When and Where
CDTPS Graduate Students:
Join us for a new year-long series of professionalization workshops throughout the 2018-2019 academic year designed to orient CDTPS graduate students to the current academic job market. The series tracks the progress of the job application cycle, with meetings to discuss each significant phase of the job hunt:
1. Finding the Jobs: Early in the term, we’ll meet to discuss where to find job ads, how to read them, how the process works from the point of view of the search committee, and the overall structure of the job cycle. We’ll also discuss the current state of the market, based on Prof. Noe Montez’s three-year longitudinal study of all North American tenure track job ads in theatre and performance studies.
When: Friday, September 7, 2018
2. The Application Package: Our next meeting will focus on the documents that are typically included in an application packet: the CV, the writing sample, the teaching statement/portfolio, and, especially, the cover letter. We’ll also go over the dos and don’ts of requesting reference letters.
When: Friday, September 28, 2018
3. The Skype/Telephone Interview: In this session we’ll cover tips and tricks for Skype and phone interviews: formats, questions, preparation, optics.
When: Friday, November 2, 2018
4. The Campus Visit: Our focus here will be on the marathon ordeal of the campus visit, with its many distinct genres of performance: the research talk, the teaching demo, the second interview, the meetings, the meals, the car rides, etc.
When: Friday, January 11, 2019
5. Negotiating the Offer/The Second Round of Applications: Postdocs, visiting positions, late-advertised positions.
When: Friday, February 1, 2019
Format: Profs. Fan and Gallagher-Ross will lead each two-hour meeting together, with occasional guest speakers. Please note the September 7, November 2, January 11, and February 1 workshops will follow the Directors' Graduate Student Lunches, taking place from 12-1 p.m. in the Robert Gill Theatre Lobby. There will be no lunch on September 28.