Sarah Robbins

Sarah Robbins

First Name: 
Last Name: 
PhD Postdoctoral Fellow
Biography : 

Sarah Robbins is a PhD Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto’s Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies. She is interested in acting training practices, and uses intersectional feminism as both research methodology and teaching pedagogy, with a focus on equity and inclusivity in spaces of performance training. 

Sarah Robbins est chercheuse postdoctorale au Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies de l’Université de Toronto. Elle s’intéresse aux pratiques de formation par intérim et utilise la théorie féministe intersectionnelle à la fois comme méthodologie de recherche et comme pédagogie d’enseignement, avec un accent sur l’équité et l’inclusion dans les espaces de formation à la performance.

Selected work

Robbins, Sarah, “The State of Acting Training in Canada: A Summary of the Results from Got Your Back’s 2018 National Survey.” HowlRound Theatre Commons. 3 Nov. 2019. Accessed 3 Nov. 2019. Web. 

Robbins, Sarah, et. al. “Understanding Acting School from the Students’ Perspective: Executive overview of the results from the 2018 Got Your Back national survey of Canadian acting training graduates.” Got Your Back Canada. 3 Nov. 2019. Accessed: 3 Nov. 2019. Web. 

Robbins, Sarah. "A Conversation with Hope MacIntyre: FemFest 2017, Filling the Gaps & Adapting to Change," 14.1: (Spring 2018). 


Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, University of Toronto 2022-2023 

PhD, University of Toronto
MA, University of Toronto
B.A. Hons. and a diploma, Professional Actor Training, University of Toronto Mississauga & Sheridan College
Personal Website:



Dissertation Title: 
Out of the Fringes: An intersectional feminist analysis of postsecondary acting training in English Canada
Dissertation Supervisors: 
T. Nikki Cesare Schotzko
Meta Description: 
Learn more about the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Sarah Robbins.