Digital Dramaturgy Lab_squared takes part in international brainstorm on artistic intelligence A/I

March 31, 2021 by Antje Budde

On World Theatre Day, March 27, 2021, the Digital Dramaturgy Lab_squared in collaboration with the UNESCO chair for “Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development” at the University of Hildesheim, Germany, organized the first of its kind international brainstorm on the question of artistic intelligence A/I in the context of current developments of artificial intelligence AI and machine smartness in global capitalism, settler colonialism and post-colonial powershifts.

Thirty-four cross-cultural and interdisciplinary people from five continents and 16 countries first listened to and watched seven idea sparkers from five continents and then broke up into several groups for deep debates about the relationship between the arts and the sciences, matters of social justice and access, human artistic ingenuity in many different disciplines and across cultures, social and political implications of process-based research creation and the conundrum of capitalist exploitation/extraction of artistic minds (most significantly in what’s called the “creative sector” but also in STEM and STEAM environments). 

This event was the first step of what we hope will develop into an international research creation network and summer school or festival, that celebrates the praxis of research creation, embraces the sciences and acknowledges the importance of human artistic intelligence in formulating and resolving real world problems (like the underfunding and disrespect for expressions and research of artistic intelligence and knowledge-making as a means of social critique and community building.)

This event was funded by the CDTPS at the University of Toronto’ SIG fund (SSHRC Institutional Grant) and Institute for Cultural Policy/Politics, University of Hildesheim.

Organizers: Antje Budde (Artistic research director DDL2) and Julius Heinicke (UNESCO chair, University of Hildesheim)

To learn more visit Collective/Collecting Intelligence – Explorations of Artistic Intelligence A/I in the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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