The All Work and No Play Fun Fair: CDTPS Working Group Fair
When and Where
The CDTPS is pleased to announce our first Colloquium of the 2018-19 Academic Year! To kick off a season of excited conversation, exciting partnerships and invigorating research-adventures, we have decided to showcase the various and varied Academic Working Groups that have been established by CDTPS faculty and students in partnership with colleagues from this Centre, the greater University community and from myriad communities beyond academia.
Learn about:
- Centre for Spectatorship and Audience Research
- Digital Dramaturgy Lab
- Institute for Dance Studies
- NpC and the Rhythm of (Re) Conciliation: Re-Membering Ourselves in Deep Time
- Poculi Ludique Societas
Convenors and representatives from the five working groups nested within the CDTPS will come together to discuss the research questions explored within their groups, the projects they have been pursuing, the methodologies they employ, their research-outcomes, and opportunities to participate as a member or as a guest at upcoming workshops and happenings.
This Working Group Fair provides a wonderful opportunity to engage with research questions and encounter projects that may intersect with your own; to align yourselves with scholars who are pursuing these projects; to encounter new and exciting research trajectories and/or creative possibilities; and to join a Working Group within which your own work might be nourished. Alternatively, you may find yourself inspired to initiate your own working group and open up new possibilities for yourself and all of your colleagues at the CDTPS!
All are Welcome!
Heady intellectual fare and light refreshments guaranteed!